An Introduction to Recruiting Software Business Articles | September 29 Wholesale Adidas NHL Hats , 2005 There has been a lot of talk in recent years about recruiting software. Recruiting software helps companies find suitable employees, and works in a number of ways. It can manage the employment section of a company?s website, keep track of any company responses to applicants, and help organize all information on potential employees in a comprehensive database.
A major function of recruiting software programs is that they can make use of the employment part of a company?s website. The software can make a list of jobs available with the company. Web surfers can click on jobs they are interested in and immediately be taken to a description of the job. The software can also be used to create electronic applications that can be completed and submitted on the Internet.
Another function of recruiting software is to keep track of any company responses to the applicants. The software allows users to create custom letters acknowledging that the company received the applicant?s resume, interview requests and appointment reminders Wholesale Adidas NHL Hoodie , among others.
Recruiting software is perfect for creating an applicant database. This function lets users keep track of the people who have applied for positions within the company. The database stores information on people who have completed an application or submitted a resume. Many programs assign ID numbers to applicants, making it easier to keep track of the applicants. The software can also be used to check if an applicant has previously applied to work for the company. Recruiting software applicant databases are also able to keep track of what sources the applicants came from, allowing the company to see how its various recruitment tools are working. This lets the company know if newspaper ads, websites, employment agencies Wholesale Adidas NHL T-Shirts , or other sources are supplying a stream of qualified applicants.
Recruiting software can be expensive and complicated, but it usually saves company money in the long run, and the organizational aspects of the software make hiring new employees much easier.
When you design a website, it's easy to focus on what your visitors are going to see. What you have to realise, though Wholesale Adidas NHL Jerseys , is that you're going to have another kind of visitor with a completely different agenda: they're not going to be looking at your pretty logo and they're not going to be passing judgement on your background colour. What they're looking for is the content and structure of your page.
They're the search engine spiders, and they are in control of probably the largest section of your traffic. You need to please these spiders if you want your site to be successful. Here's how.
Make Your Structure Clear.
Resist the temptation to lay your page out in non-standard ways: you want it to be very clear to the search engine where the navigation is, where the content is, and where the headings are. As a rule, put navigation first in your page. Always use the heading tags (h1 Wholesale NHL Hats , h2, etc.) for headings and sub-headings.
Avoid using generic span and div tags and only making things clear to the user through CSS font sizes: instead, use every 'semantic' HTML tag that applies to your content. If you're quoting someone, use the blockquote tag; if you're posting program code, use the code tag. Search engines love this.
Keep Keywords Consistent.
It's not usually worth deliberately saturating your content with keywords in hope of a higher search ranking ? the engines have pretty much wised up to this tactic ? but do make sure that your keywords appear consistently when they occur naturally. For example Wholesale NHL Hoodie , for these articles, I have stuck with 'website' throughout, as suddenly writing 'web site' instead would bring down my rankings.
HTML and Javascript.
It's worth noting that search engines read HTML, but they don't, in general Wholesale NHL T-Shirts , read Javascript. hms, the end result of it all does involve a human decision: to click, or not to click?
Avoid Splash Pages.
You might think it's a great idea to have a 'splash' page displaying a full-page version of your logo (or an ad) to every user who arrives at your site Wholesale Hats , but search engines really hate that. Using this trick will get you ranked far lower than you would usually be, so you should avoid it ? it's annoying to visitors anyway.